Jun 29, 2015

▌推薦 ▌好事多Costco|有機葡萄乾肉桂全麥土司 Raisin Cinnamon Whole Wheat|自有品牌加鹽奶油

到美國後很多生活習慣、飲食方式等都跟在台灣不一樣,我最喜歡逛超市,走走逛逛看看,覺得很好玩很新鮮,似懂非懂的東西久了也似乎也都了解了。 很開心自己的小小進步,樂觀的覺得以後在這邊生活也會非常愉快(傻笑


Alpine Valley有機葡萄乾肉桂全麥土司 Raisin Cinnamon Whole Wheat




好事多自有品牌加鹽奶油 Costco Kirkland Signature Salted Sweet Butter


Apr 27, 2015

▌推薦 ▌The Amish-Buggy | 阿米希人製果醬Amish made jam | peach, dutch apple, strawberry butter

Amish made jam/peach, dutch apple and strawberry butter

而在某次的road trip經過Amish商店看到賣好多麵包、果醬等東西沒買而回去感到極後悔之後,在去納什維爾的某個市集看到有人在賣阿米西製的果醬就不小心一次買了三罐,阿蘭都不停的說:「這也不是常見啊!看到就買吧~」之類的話,腦波很弱的我就會不自禁買下,殊不知根本吃不完。但我是很喜歡這些果醬的,與一般市售果醬不同的點在於吃起來與聞起來味道沒有那麼濃厚,另外似乎用什麼素材製作也會影響到抹醬的質感差異。

       Some of people who live in east of the United States, like me, fascinate Amish product. Once in a road trip, I went to an Amish store and without bringing anything home, I've regretted it ever since. So when I saw there're some Amish products at a marketplace in Nashville, I bought THREE jams at once. Due to Alan's words, "They are special! You can't see it in grocery stores!" I was convinced to buy them and forgot that I can't finish all of them. LOL
       I do really like these jams. They are different from the jams in normal grocery stores. The smell and taste are not as strong as normal jams, and seems like different  materials have different food texture.  

It was made in IL, not like PA, OH,etc, the states that are famous by Amish but to me it is around THERE. LOL
If you are interested in the products, you can contact them.

This is peach jam. there were some tiny granule inside, whole body tend to solid texture and jam tasted fresh and not sticky. This peach jams was my favorite of these 3.

And the strawberry butter jam is very liquid, it will drop if scoop. The taste is more sweet than other 2 jams and a little bit sour. You could see the pulp very easily.
I prefer other strawberry jams in grocery stores :P

哪裡買 where to buy?

Apr 22, 2015

▌料理 ▌鮮蝦菇菇豆腐粉絲煲 Shrimp tufu pot with mushrooms bean thread

- 鮮蝦菇菇豆腐煲 Shrimp tofu pot with mushrooms bean thread -

It's a very easy dish, the only skill you have to do is putting all ingredients in pot with order of layers! During the stewing time, you can cook other dishes and will not waste any time :)
The point is that, this tofu pot not only looks beautiful , colorful and yummy but also clean, fresh and light!

準備材料 -

1. 粉絲(一把)bean thread (take a handful)
2. 蝦 shrimps (5~7)
3. 菇(可用美白菇、金針菇任何菇)mushroom (any small size kinds you like)
4. 豆腐 tofu
5. 蔥花 chopped green onion

製作流程 -

1. 先將粉絲泡軟、陶鍋用超小火加溫(如果過熱鍋可能會裂,不能空鍋熱太久)
    Put bean thread into a bowl of water for 10-20 mins till it soft. 
    Heat the pot to warm temperature and be careful not to overheat when the pot is empty due to causing pot split.
2. 第一層先放粉絲
    First layer: bean thread

   Second layer : mushrooms!

4. 擺上豆腐
    Third layer: tofu

5. 擺上一隻一隻蝦
    The last layer: shrimps

6. 倒入適量雞高湯
     Pour into some chicken stock, in this case, I used 1/3 of the bottle.

7. 適量薄鹽醬油調味
    Add a bit of less sodium soy sauce.

8. 加一些味醂提味
    Use some mirin to improve taste (other option: sugar)

9. 加少許壺底油精
    Add very little premium black bean sauce (other option: normal soy sauce)

10. 接著就蓋上鍋蓋,轉中大火至排氣孔冒煙代表已滾,轉小火滾個15-20分鐘嚐嚐味道有入味就差不多完成
       Cover the pot cover and turn to medium high heat, till the air-hole puff turn low heat stewing for 15-20 mins.

11. 撒一些蔥花後可轉中火,依自己喜好看收汁的程度 :)
       Try its flavor and to make some adjustment to conform your taste. After adjustment, putting chopped green onion on top and ready to serve!

1. 這道菜我很喜歡的原因是可以第一個準備,最後一個煮完,上桌時永遠燒滾滾!
    The reason I like it is because it will be the final dish to cook, that means it will always boiling on the diner table! (Taiwanese love our dishes always heat ;P)
2. 關於調味醬汁的部分,可以先在旁邊調配好後再倒入,但我個人是喜歡一種一種加適味道,因為我還是烹飪初學者還在練習調味的量 :P
    About sauce part, you can mix all of them in another bowl and adjust it or pour them directly in the pot just like me.

Feb 18, 2015

▌料理 ▌蓮藕排骨湯 Lotus Root pork bones Soup Recipe

- 蓮藕排骨湯 Lotus Root Spare Ribs Soup -

It's very easy to prepare materials and cook. Self-cooking soup is much clean and healthier than eating outside.
Lotus is not only tasty but also benefiting qi and blood.

準備材料 -

1. 蓮藕(切薄片)Lotus roots (thin slice)
2. 大蒜 Garlic 
3. 豬骨 Spare Ribs/Pig bone

製作流程 -

1. 先將豬骨用熱水滾過去除血水等東西。
    Boiling the pork bones to remove the impurities.

2. 將鍋洗淨,重新燒水。
    Clean the stock pot and after water boiling put lotus roots slice in.

    Then put pork bones in

4. 大火滾10分鐘後加入大蒜,並轉中小火滾1小時。(也可以滾更久至兩小時,蓮藕會更軟,味道會更濃)
Cook on high heat for 10 mins and put garlic in then turn low heat for 1 hour

5. 放進悶燒鍋悶一晚。
    Put in Vacuum Cooking Pot for one night

   Add some salt before eating, also can add a little bit sugar(optional)

7. 完成 :)

1. 如果有慢煮鍋應該可以早上煮晚上喝,我都是晚餐吃完後煮湯,悶到隔天晚餐喝。
    If use slow cooking pot will be faster to eat

2. 第一次嘗試用英文,嗯...我還在練習啦!因為我的老師說他看不懂中文,所以她建議我用英文試試看,錯誤就請包涵跟指教 :D
    It's my first time wrote in English! I'm learning English now so there're must have some mistakes, plz give me some advice if you like it :D

Jan 21, 2015

▌料理 ▌零失敗麻油雞

- 麻油雞 -

準備材料 -

1. 雞肉(可雞腿、雞胸都可)
2. 薑(切片,可去皮或不去)
3. 枸杞
4. 紅棗
5. 米酒
6. 麻油

製作流程 -

1. 先將枸杞與紅棗沖乾淨並浸泡清水或米酒,若有小陶鍋可用小火加溫。

2. 用麻油中火煎薑片,麻油可多一點。

3. 煎至表面微焦

4. 放入雞肉炒至七八分熟

5. 倒入米酒至蓋過肉

6. 轉大火讓其滾至酒精揮發

7. 將全部倒入已加溫的陶鍋

8. 滾了之後加入紅棗繼續小火炖煮約20分鐘,

9. 試試調味,可加一點點糖增加鮮甜,不夠味也可多加酒或些許鹽,並加入枸杞繼續滾一小段時間約數分鐘。

10. 若有麵線可先拌勻麻油即些許鹽,單吃麻油麵線或是搭配麻油雞湯麵線都超好吃!
